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Saturday, 30 April 2011

Royal Britannia...a chance to wear this bag!

Now, I am no Royalist. I shan't give you my views here as I know a) none of you want to hear them and b) this would be the longest post in the history of beauty blogging.

But I do love a good wedding.

So when I got wind of this 'Kate and Wills' extravaganza, I was outwardly like 'meh', trying to be cool (my dad is, what in the 16th century they would have called a Cromwellite. If that's what they called them.). But also inwardly I was thinking 'I am SO watching that.' And making scones. And having some pimm's.

But I really don't think anyone can deny it was a beautiful wedding. Lots of inspiration there.....wonder if the boyfriend is reading this.......I know he will be as I'll make him :) *music from 'Psycho' here*

Obvs, in order to enjoy a Royal affair, scones and pimm's and all things patriotic, you need to dress right. Going on what I see on a day to day basis around town, British fashion nowadays could be mistaken for leggings, trainer *cringe* shoes and bad eyeshadow choices. But we know better than that don't we ladies? So I wore this...

Yes, the breton tee looks a little French on second viewing (damn, all those pastries have taken over my mind).....but I'm wearing a massive Union Jack bag, so haters, you know where the door's at.
I say congrats to the happy couple- it's nice to see some love in a world that can be so full of hate sometimes. Love is the thing you know. As well as a well applied lip. So grab your loved one and give them a smooch NOW. I know I will be.....hehe

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