Search Saving Face

Thursday, 11 August 2011

The Things We Do For Fashion

Starve ourselves. Major LOLs, we wouldn't dream of that!

No, I am not starring in a budget version of 'Goldfinger' (though imagine how amazing THAT would be). I, being the socially conscious misfit I am, read in a bunch of magazines that sunshine yellow was THE colour for nails this season....

Why I'm telling you lot this, I don't know. If you're bothering to read this blog you read as many magazines as I do......and prbably avoided this trend.

Well I like to think of myself as the Ghandi of the budget beauty world. Tirelessly striving on behalf of my cash-strapped people for the best in the latest cosmetic buys. I know, I'm dangerously close to receiving that OBE already.

And if any of my experiments have deserved such an award, it is this. Damn you Chanel Mimosa, look what you have done to the fingernails of fashion slaves like me!....Before you ask,this is not Chanel Mimosa. £20 something for a nail polish, are you kidding me?! That'd feed my family for a week! (Jokes, I eat like a horse.....I could eat a horse......but then I would be a kind of weird cannibal type creature).

This is Buttercup by George at ASDA Quick Dry.

I think the photograph speaks for itself. But my conclusion is thus: If you really WANT to do this to yourself and I can't stop you, slap on the fake tan first and foremost and apply it to your toenails. Because that might look okay.....and not like you have the hands of ET and everytime you touch something you're trying to 'phone home'.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh yellow nails are certainly hard to pull off, but I think it suits you! I stay welllll away from yellow in all its forms, it makes me look ridiculously ill! xx
    Sirens and Bells
