Search Saving Face

Monday, 4 July 2011

Rochelle- 0 Normalface- 1

So, you're a rich popstar, hot body, good looks, scarf collection to die for. But what don't you have Rochelle? Oh, that's right- you don't have the ability to get elbows deep in the New Look sale without being papped. Or at least put in Heat's Hoop of Horror.

That's why you have to fork out like 300 quid for- granted- the most beauts scarf this blogger has ever seen, The scarf I have lusted over time and time again. The IT scarf.

So, picture this- it's a Friday afternoon. Work is slow. Everyone's eating sweets and drinking, let's face it, far too much Diet Coke than is healthy. You pop out for some air. You....pass the New Look Sale. You peer in. Okay, okay, you RUN in, you attack those rails like the cookie moster at the Kipling factory.

Should you buy these shoes? They are half price. But then how many pairs of grey heels can a gal have before she's carted off to detox?

What about these earrings? But then you've got some like, near enough the same.

And then you see it. Or, spot it, I should say (major lols at my own joke). It's like in the films when the sun glows down on the sword in the stone or something.

There it is. The leapord print scarf of your dreams. And what's this? £3?!

GO. GO NOW. RUN TO THE TILL! Do not let that scarf out of your sight! Hiss at the other shoppers as they look on enviously......

alright, maybe that's going a little too far. But the Diet Coke OD really is starting to have a bad effect on you.

And here it is- right in your very own home!

So fare well, Rochelle. My time salivating over you has been enjoyable and it has been dehydrating. But now I have a new person to be jealous of. That's right- ME.
Here's to not being famous and being able to raid half price sales at all my favourite high street fashion outlets. Let's just hope they don't bring out any more of those New Look 20% discount vouchers for a should have seen the mayhem I caused last time. In fact, you will, because I'm planning a post about it. Rochelle, read on.

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