Search Saving Face

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Confessions of a case-aholic

Recession sucks, doesn't it?!

Okay, okay, so I'm not actually expecting Mr Cameron to be reading this (though if you are mate, get in touch, got some great moisturising tips for you). When I say 'recession' what I actually mean is having absolutely zero expenditure power, save for wishes on stars and a pocketful of dreams.

With this in mind, I have had to come to the sad reality that until I FINALLY get my dream job as a journo, there's no money in this kitty for new products. Not even one of those eyeshadows that costs less than a chocolate bar (probably a good thing anyway. Those things sting. And if I'm going to do something bad for me, please, it's going to be the chocolate.)

Feeling sorry for myself and ever so slightly melodramatic- I know, what's new- I set about slapping on the face like there's no tomorrow. It was when I was reaching in to my make up case for a concealer I hoped would somehow erase those fine lines and make me look glowy, (but not in a way that makes people think I'm pregnant. Again. I know- the tragedy of being beautiful), that the epiphany came.

That's right. Case. Make up case.

I literally have a case of products that are just screaming at me to be used. I bet they get so pissed off everytime a newer, more 'in season' product gets shoved in to join them. "Ooh, think you're shade of the month now, don't you," they probably spit sarcastically, "you just wait till she 'accidentally' steps in to Superdrug again. Then we'll see if you make the grade."

Maths has never been my strong point, but slowly I put two and two together and came up with this challenge. (*cough* okay so it seems a lot of bloggers are doing it atm *cough*)

I will not be buying another product until I have thoroughly exhausted my supplies. It was absolutely shocking to look at those 5 blushers, 7 lipsticks and god knows how many highlighting sticks. So products, here is my vow to you; I will use you, and I will love you.

Or I will curse you for making me look like a carrot.

The point is, I will give you all a decent try. It's something I should have done a long time ago and I am sorry.

Bloggers: I'm going to post details of the full collection and my reviews over the next month or so. But before I do that, I will be going to sleep. As one thing I don't have a case full of is eye cream and these bags won't de puff themselves. If you see me tomorrow, try to stifle your screams.

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