Personal taste, style, self-confidence, environment- they all develop frequently.
For me, the one that I'm trying to develop most right now is self-confidence.
I wrote about this issue here but the main mantra I'm trying to adopt in life is FIYOLO (F*ck It, You Only Live Once). Seriously- if you want to buy those printed leggings, don't worry about the size of your thighs. If you want to put on red lipstick in the day but you're feeling self-concious- why?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Just wear what you love and feel great doing it.
I've spent years feeling like I'm not good enough- don't even get me started on the subject. So from now on, it's goodbye worries hello trying new things (except for breast milk or 'down there' piercings.)
One thing I was considering to try but just-wanted-to-dip-my-foot-in-the-water-to-see-how-it-felt, were Converse. Call me Avril Lavinge circa 2004, I don't care.
Do I have the style cred for it? No. Do I have the right legs to pull it off? Definitely not. Can I justify spending £30 on something I might just wear once? LOL.
So me, my sanity and my bank balance settled on a compromise. These bad boys.
They were originally from Topshop, but some crazy fool decided to give them away on ebay for just £4!
This is my idea of the perfect 'trainer'- heel, studs, and totally unsuitable for running.